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Ready To Build!

Ready To Build!

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This lesson plan highlights the twelve (12) skill cards from the Innovation & Entrepreneurship achievement domain and the beginning, intermediate and advanced game strategies used with them to play and win Community On Demand™.

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    "Ready To Build!" Game Strategy

    This lesson plan highlights the twelve (12) skill cards from the Innovation & Entrepreneurship achievement domain and the beginning, intermediate and advanced game strategies used with them to play and win Community On Demand™.


    The learning objectives of the “Ready
    To Build!” game strategies are to:

    • coordinate and execute impactful events that align with your impact solutions
    • introduce business functions such as: identifying competitive advantages, protecting
      intellectual property, understanding product life cycles, describing internal
      operations, evaluating competitive products, detailing improvements to products and services, anticipating market reactions, and identifying essential suppliers and service providers.


    Use the “Ready To Build!” Game Strategy to help students demonstrate they have the employability skills required by business and industry (CTAE Course Standard #1 requirements):

    1.1. Communicating effectively through writing, speaking, listening, reading, and interpersonal abilities.

    1.2. Demonstrating creativity by asking challenging questions and applying innovative procedures and methods.

    1.3. Exhibiting critical thinking and problem-solving skills to locate, analyze and apply information in career planning and employment situations.

    1.4. Modeling work readiness traits required for success in the workplace including integrity, honesty, accountability, punctuality, time
    management, and respect for diversity

    1.5. Applying the appropriate skill sets to be productive in a changing, technological, diverse workplace to be able to work independently and
    apply teamwork skills.

    Presenting a professional image through appearance, behavior and language

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    Proceeds benefit young innovators, leaders and entrepreneurs participating in The NEXT Steps Youth Entrepreneur Program

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